Winter Skin Care

Twinkletoes Barrebie Product Review

When I think of my beauty routines I dont have a set pattern per se but when I find a product I like I consistently use it.  I'm no beauty expert, I cant tell you to do steps 1 2 3 to create healthy glowing skin, but I do dabble enough to know what I'm talking about. Just like you, I want to use products that are effective, easy to use and give great results. Thats why I use Makes 3 Organics Miracle Balm. I like the product and what the company stands for.

 "Makes 3 Organics™ products are always made with ingredients we all know and trust and that are easy on the environment. Knowing and using the purest ingredients and processes has lead our company to create what we believe to be the best products for your family's skin."

Makes 3 Organics™ creates 
balm and butter blends featuring organic shea butter, organic coconut oil, organic cocoa butter, organic aloe vera and organic beeswax along with a variety of organic essential oils and flavors to give each product its distinct aromas. These proprietary organic ingredient blends provide for the softest and smoothest skin with aromatherapy benefits and are safe and effective for the whole family.
The Makes 3 Organics team sent me their Organic Lavender Miracle Balm to test out and for the last couple of weeks i've loved adding it to my skin care regiment. I mostly use it as a lotion replacement for myself and family. I focused on using the balm for my feet and hands since thats where I needed the most love. Specifically my cuticles, palms, heels and balls of the feet. I live in a pretty dry climate and if I don't apply some type of balm or moisturizer, I'm gonna have pretty dry hands and feet by the end of the day. To get the most out of my Lavender Balm, I would apply it directly to my body after I showered focusing on my hands first then slowly I would work it into my feet. I love the fresh Lavender smell, so that was the cherry on top. I loved getting the gentle wafts of freshness throughout the day, and it helped me stay calm and feel lovely even if I was elbow deep in changing diapers or sweating buckets in a Barre class. 

Ive been really happy with how soft and pliable my skin has become. I felt great about using the product on myself and wanted the rest of my family to try it too. Both my kids have issues with Eczema and I've tried different lotions and oils over the years but most don't live up to the standard of healing I need. The only two brands i'll use for eczema relief are Aveeno's Eczema line and Makes 3 Organics body balms. I'll be honest, the directions say that a little goes a long way but I'm here to tell ya to just go ahead and lather that good stuff on haha! For post bath lotion time, i've been rubbing in my Makes 3 Organics Healing Balm from cheek to cheek and i've been seeing wonderful results. I love cuddling up to my two little rugrats before bed when they smell like Lavender. Plus the essential oils used in the balm help my kids calm down and relax for bedtime. Now I wont praise this balm for 100% of the success we've had with Brody sleeping through the night, but lets just say that since we started using the balm before bed, we have noticed a huge decrease in night time waking. Thats an issue Brody will probably always struggle with, but I think rubbing the balm on his feet really helped. Enough so that I will continue using it as part of our bedtime routine. Kid tested, mom approved. 
I would definitely recommend the Makes 3 Organics Brand, it's great for the whole family and even better for those who are environmentally conscious or have an allergy related to the ingredients used in mainstream lotion products. I'm eager to try more of their products, especially their nourishing lip balms. The products range from balms and butters to liquid soaps and detergents. Theres something for everyone. 


You can find Makes 3 Organics in retail shops from coast to coast throughout the U.S. in natural food stores, boutique markets, and even farms and resorts. But if you are like me, and constantly online, then shopping directly from the Make 3 Organics website is a quick and easy way to get the products you want. For even more organic love, be sure to follow them on Instagram or through their Blog to stay up to date on products, health and wellness tips, and daily inspiration. 

 Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle 

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