Barre Babes Christmas Guide: Treat Yo Self

Treat Yo Self Ladies
Why you should invest in a positive attitude to self-care and nourishing your body, mind and spirit

My favorite quote is from the great Donna Meagle, of the epic NBC series, Parks & Rec.

I cant even begin to tell you all the ridiculous schemes iv'e pulled on my husband with that line. New makeup, treat yo self. Dying my hair pink, treat yo self. Starbucks Carmel Hot Chocolate, treat yo self. It's by far the best line in the entire english language. But despite its great tag line and message, there is another take away. Treat yo self means taking care of your wants and needs. Whether they are physical or mental, self love and self care is SO important to our overall health and wellness. I take ownership of my health and the steps I take for self care may differ from your own, but I believe we can all find common ground in wanting to be the best versions of ourselves. So for me I take Zoloft everyday, treat yo self (mental health). Teach Barre and workout daily, treat yo self (physical health). Go to Church every week, treat yo self (spiritual needs). Taking care of yourself isn't a selfish act, its the only way to give the best of ourselves to others and ultimately your self. Do something special for you, acknowledge how awesome and unique you are. "No one is you, thats your super power".

As a busy mother and fitness instructor its hard to find balance between my responsibilities in and outside of the home. When I do too much for myself I feel an immense amount of guilt for taking care of my needs and sometimes putting those needs first before my family. But I have to remind myself that taking care of my wants and needs is an important priority. I set the tone in my home and when I create a happy and loving place to be, than I can reciprocate those positive feelings and affirmations to my loved ones. Happy Wife, Happy life...ammmiright??? :) 

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”– Parker Palmer

A lot of what I do in my free time is focusing on meeting my personal needs. Reading, exercise,  online shopping (#guilty), and even blogging help me be the best version of myself.  Its the little stress relieving activities that make me happy and help me focus on things other than the latest Pokemon battle and singing along to Frozen...over and over again.  So I scheduled out a personal ME time in the middle of the day. It's that sweet spot when Brody's at preschool and Addison's asleep, I have almost two hours to engage in me time activities. Between 12:30pm-2:30pm everyday i'll either be typing away at my blog or burrowing under the covers with a fun read. Btw- if you don't schedule out when you clean, you could get caught up in a cleaning jag during those "sacred mommy hours" haha so friends be sure to schedule accordingly!

When possible I try to incorporate my family into self care habits, like exercise, cooking together, or going out for a fun activity. Brody's favorite store is Target, so when I need a little retail therapy I take him with me for a Mommy + Son date. Those are his favorite outings when we spend special time together. Love is spelt  T I M E.... and nothing means more to your littles than taking time out of your day to be together and enjoy each others company. 

You don't need to do a lot to show yourself and your loved ones a little love. Be present, show interest, and live in the moment. Do what makes you happy....add the double scoop, stay up a little later, or even indulge in a sick day or two. Treat yo self to happy moments, you deserve it! Do what makes you happy!

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance".– Oscar Wilde

This Holiday Season I challenge you to begin the life-long romance with you, yourself, and I. Love yourself. Respect and honor your heart, mind, and body. Nourish yourself from the inside out. To help you along on your Self-love journey, I created a fun list of all my favorite treat your self items! This is a fun list of indulgences that I believe everyone should treat themselves to! Enjoy and let me know what your favorite item is!

Treat Yo Self 2017
Mom's One Line A Day Diary
Kindle Paperwhite
Chameleon + Clue
Mrs. Meyers Multi Surface Cleaner
Bath and Body Works Champagne Toast Candle
Garnier Dark Circle Eye Roller
Too Faced Mascara + Bronzer
A Court of Mist and Fury Digital Print
Moroccan Oil

I got my Mom's One Line A Day Diary for Christmas last year and I love it!  It's a condensed and comparative record for five years of meaningful memories. It's quick and easy to use and usually takes less than a minute. Just jot down one experience a day and call it good. I keep it on my nightstand to write in every night before bed. My favorite entry was  from Jan 10th, 2017 " Addison said Momma for the first time today, my heart is so happy and full!".

Kindle Paperwhite 
Oh my goodnes, I could go on and on about the Kindle Paperwhite! I've been an avid kindle user for over 8 years and I love this product. Treat yo self to a new book and indulge on mysteries of the unknown, forbidden romances, or the latest critically acclaimed novels. With the Kindle, any book, magazine or Audible podcast is accessible with the swipe of a finger. Books on the Kindle makes reading a breeze when i'm traveling, waiting in the carpool lane, or enjoying a bubble bath. Plus you cant beat those prices on books utilizing Amazon Prime or Amazon Kindle Unlimited. This is the perfect gift! 

Chameleon is a brand new game I discovered when I was up in WA for Thanksgiving. It was sneaky, intelligent and fun...the perfect combination for my family! This game is all the rage and the perfect game to play with friends and family! "In this fun family-friendly board game, everyone knows the secret word except the "Chameleon." But who is the Chameleon? Using one carefully chosen word each, you try to flush out the imposter - but if someone is particularly good at blending in, innocent people start looking guilty, and the Chameleon can escape unnoticed."

This hilarious murder mystery is one of my greatest guilty pleasures. Sick day? Put on clue. Movie night? Clue. Need to fold 4 loads of laundry? Clues the movie for you. It's a cult favorite for a reason, trust me when I tell you to treat yo self to this movie! Its a great way to kick back and relax with friends.

Mrs. Meyers Multi Surface Cleaner 
I'm late to the Mrs. Meyers band wagon, but I'm here to tell you its pretty great! My favorites are the Seasonal Peppermint and Iowa Pine scents. I was first introduced to this Multi-surface cleaner at a favorites thing party and I was a little skeptical at first but soon fell in love. Made from plant derived ingredients, this cleaner freshens surfaces and kills bacteria like a champ. I just do a quicks spritz on my counters every night and wake up in the morning to a sparkling clean kitchen that smells of rich peppermint and vanilla. Nothing is sweeter for the holidays like a clean house. 

Champagne Toast Candle 
Ive been a fan of Bath and Body Works for as long as I can remember, but now that i'm adult I only purchase it bi-annually. I love it but like all good things, its expensive and treating yo self to a whole grab bag adds up fast. So I usually pick up seasonal items and gifts than call it good, but I had to make an exception for their Champagne Toast candle. I have an annual beauty tradition of getting the Black Friday Tote at Bath and Body Works and this years bag didn’t disappoint! My favorite item was the Champagne Toast candle, it’s flirty with a hint if musky sweetness. Nuff said, It’s fabulous. The next day I found myself online hoarding up on all the Champagne Toast products I could fit in my cart!

My newest discovery in masking dark circles and pretending I get at least 8 hrs of beauty sleep, (spoiler alert, I don't know any mom who gets 8 hrs of zzz's) is the fabulous Garnier Dark Circle Brightener. I roll a little on every morning and set it with some CC cream and i'm good to go. Despite the constant adult acne (ugh hormones get it together already), the lighter my foundation the easier it is on my sensitive skin. Especially when I teach in the mornings, I'm not gonna put a full face of makeup on just to workout, so adding a little bit of eye roller helps me look fresh without overdoing it. Perfect for those sleep deprived ladies who need a little love for those dark circles. 

 Too Faced Too Faced Mascara + Bronzer 
You might as well just go ahead and throw your money at Sephora because Too Faced is where it’s at! Every year on my birthday I treat yo self to Sephora’s birthday gift and always enjoy the special discounts to pickup my favorite makeup. I’ve been using the Too Faced Mascara and bronzer for years now. I consider these two beauty essentials the most important staples in my beauty routine.  I love how cute the product is designed and packaged. Even with my lash extensions, I utilize the mascara on my lower lashes and love the look!

"Makeup is no different than clothes and accessories - it's embellishments for your face. And it also gives you creative freedom. You get to have that moment in front the mirror every morning and give yourself self-love. You're making yourself up beautiful, which is essentially self-love."-Michelle Phan

My favorite author is Sarah J. Maas and I’m obsessed with ALL of her books. This digital print is actually framed in my room right now and I love it. It means a lot to me. So go treat yo self to a favorite quote and hang it somewhere you can see. Express yourself and enjoy the little space of inspiration in your home or office. As I refine my style aesthetic, I find myself seeking out more unique pieces for my home including individualized art, poetry and scripted texts and quotes. Any art piece with a literary significance I have to have! It makes my heart so happy to surround myself with beautiful and meaningful pieces. 

I get asked A LOT about my hair, especially since I chopped it off right before I had Addi. The two things I swore my hair growth on was 1) pregnancy hormones, and 2) Moroccan oil. I’ve used it religiously for a couple of years now and I’ve gotta tell ya, it works! So if you are looking for a great hair product that promotes health, boosts shine, and detangles even the worst rats nest, than look no further than Moroccan Oil. Plus it smells amazing! Anyone caressing your tress's will enjoy a whiff or two ;)

"I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don't have self-love, and respect for everything about your own body, your own soul, your own capsule, then how can you have an authentic relationship with anyone else?"- Shailene Woodley

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