November Health Challenge

Hello November...or should I say NO-vember. NO Sugary sweets, NO Soda, and NO Fast Food! Cya later my beloved Diet Coke + Dr.'ve been so good to me, but also so bad! I can easily admit I was having 1-2 Diet Cokes a day, and felt not a single ounce of guilt about it. Cuz, hey #momlife! How else am I supposed to get through the day teaching Barre and keeping two tiny humans alive???

After I stopped nursing (16 Months Postpartum) and finished training for my Triathlon, my body bounced back to that pre baby weight bod. And I'm not talking about the slim and tone body I had pre motherhood...because honestly after I had Addison, I was in the best shape of my life! No, I'm talking about the mom bod you have after having a kid or two. You've become soft and happy because Food is life and Pizza and Dr. Pepper are the Idols you worship! Anyone?...No? Just me eh? Ok.

I love my body and how strong it is! I've carried two humans inside of me. Won USA Collegiate Nationals in Hip Hop with this body.  I utilize it to teach Barre Fitness 6x a week. And I pushed myself to compete in a Triathlon 4 months ago! My body can do hard things, I can do hard things. But my stomach on the other hand....not so great with self control.

While Nursing I have the mentality to eat until I'm satisfied. Which is great when your body is the only source of food for your little one, so over eating is not only totally justified but strongly encouraged. So here I am, 4 months post nursing but still eating for two. Despite my rigorous teaching schedule I wasn't burning enough calories to support my diet. So a change had to be made. Cue Cahoots Fitness and their November Health Challenge!

The Nutrition team behind Cahoots created a 30 Day Health Challenge that allows you to choose your top 3 priorities from a list of goals to help you improve your physical, nutritional, or mental health! I love the way this Challenge is designed to help me make these healthy habits a long term part of my lifestyle, and not just a temporary occurrence. I'm creating sustainable and realistic goals that will help me to take care of my body. I don't do diets (I've done a little bit of everything...including harmful habits like binging and purging) and I stay far away from extremes. My diet's in the past have fluctuated between healthy restriction to starving my body, and honestly its not worth it anymore. This Health Challenge different because it's designed to help our bodies thrive in real life, and in ways that the whole family can adopt! 

30 Day Health Challenge Rules

Choose 3 things from the list of options that you personally want to improve on, and earn daily points for succeeding in your goals! Options include:

  • Workout: Exercise 4-6 days/week and stretch on the other 1-3 days
  • Eat Protein: Eat 5-6 oz of protein per day
  • No Dessert: Avoid sugary/fatty desserts
  • Get Enough Sleep: Sleep 7-9 hours per night
  • Drink Water: Drink a minimum of 64 oz of water daily
  • Eat Fruits/Veggies: Eat 2 servings of fruits and 3 vegetables daily
  • Avoid Sugar Drinks: Avoid soda, juice, lemonade, sweet tea, etc.
  • Personal Development: Spend at least 10 minutes daily on activities that contribute to your emotional and mental health (i.e. journal writing, reading, religious study, meditating, etc.)

The area's I'm choosing to focus on are Eat Protein, No Dessert, Eat Fruits and Veggies, and Avoid Sugar Drinks. I chose these 4, not because I'm an over achiever or anything, its just that the nutritional aspects are what I need the most. Between teaching Barre and Aerial, then taking Hot Yoga and Pilates reformer on the side, I feel like I give my body adequate opportunity to exercise. In regards to Personal Development, I blog/journal, take my medicine and see an awesome therapist every 6 I feel really confident with where I am and how I take care of my mental health. So all thats left is to focus on my nutrition, cuz thats where I'm sorely lacking! 

I'm currently loving Costco's Premiere Protein drinks! I have 1 a day and my speciality is to put in the freezer for 30 min then shake it up so its a frozen treat! An 11 ounce shake has 30 grams of Protein, 1 gram of Sugar, 3 grams of Fat, and 24 Vitamins and Minerals.  For someone who doesn't like meat, this protein shake has been a lifesaver during the last 6 days of my challenge! It's quick and easy for when I'm on the go running errands or about to teach class. 

No Dessert
The day after Halloween was hard, but I didn't partake of all that delicious goodness! Honestly its been a lot easier then I thought. My kids got Frosty's from Wendys and for the first time I wasn't tempted to order my self one or indulge by finishing theirs! Total win! I think it helps to have my Chocolate Protein Shake everyday, I try to think of it as my one sweet treat a day. 

Eat Fruits and Veggies
My new snacks of choice are a Banana to start my day and chowing down on carrots every time I get bored. I'm guilty of eating just because it's something to do. For example, I cant read or watch my shows without something in my hands. I used to have a coke, a bowl of pretzels, or a chocolate candy of some sort (hello Toblerone and Ferrer Rocher) every night before bed. It was more of a comfort activity, and not even a need to eat because I was hungry. So my new goals are to try to replace my usual snacking treats with easy fruits and veggies I have on hand. Also if I'm cooking that day, I find ways to sneak in veggies for me in the kids.

No Sugar Drinks
Alas my greatest vice, Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper. To say I'm addicted is an understatement. This has been the hardest part of the challenge for me. Going cold turkey off of caffeine was rough, and I mean extreme headaches and withdrawal symptoms. For the first 3-4 days, I was down right grumpy. But I'm finally getting to the point where I don't feel the need to have Pop. I've been doing my best to drink 64 ounces of water a day and when I reached my limit with how much water I can endure, I switch to milk or drink an Odwalla. I like water, but don't crave it yet. I think my body still needs to adjust to the lack of artificial sweeteners and sugar that I normally pump into my system. Once my body no longer craves my favorite sugary drinks, drinking 64 ounces of water will be easy peasy! I even bought a few new Water Bottles to get me excited for the challenge!

Everyday wont be perfect but I'm going to try my best to create a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. My husband and I are actually doing the challenge together so its been fun being each others cheerleaders. Despite having different goals we find the time to work together and help each other succeed. I'm incredibly proud of him and the changes we are implementing to create a happy and healthy lifestyle!

What are you doing to take control of your physical, nutritional, and mental health? I'd love to hear any tips or positive affirmations you love!

"Love your body--that is the mission of our nutrition and personal training services at Cahoots. We want to help women and moms of all stages to love and appreciate their bodies the way they are: to recognize the strength they have and get excited to increase that strength. To appreciate the miracles that their bodies are. To enjoy what their bodies can do, not just what they look like. And to realize that they feel their best, perform their best, and look their best when you take care of them." - Cahoots Nutrition Team

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