5 Mindful Tips towards a Happier Life

At the end of August I attended a Back to School Moms night out or #b2smno, where my good friend Kim from @talkwordytome_spoke to us about Mindfulness and Finding Happiness within the walls of our own home. The biggest take away from my night was this; It all starts with ME. If I want to change the weather in my home, the change starts from within. If I want to be happy, I need to choose activities and experiences that uplift myself and my loved ones. I can make every day count by being mindful of the needs of my kids, spouse and most importantly myself. Mindfulness matters, kindness matters and most importantly I matter! 

  • 5 Mindful Tips towards a happier life by Kim Christiansen of @talkwordytome_ 

  • 1: Think about what makes you happy, and pursue those interests

  • 2: Don't let your dreams die just because your a Mom

  • 3: Take Stock of your Thoughts

4: Let go of Perfection 

5: Essentialism


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