Positive Self Talk

 Mindful Tips towards a Happier Life by @talkwordytome_

Day 3: Take Stock of your Thoughts

I like to imagine my brain has a center of control featuring a cast of my favorite characters. You know, Inside Out style! I'd have a panel of all my emotions played by my fictional spirit animals like Dr. Mindy Lahri, Leslie Knope, Daenerys Targaryen, Lindsay Bluth, Feyre Archeron, and Liz Lemon.  Can you imagine how awesome that would be!?!?! What makes each of the these characters stand out is their Positive Self Talk. They know who they are, they know their worth and take charge of their future. They lift up other women and believe in their dreams!Now imagine if you had this team of Feminists in your ear whispering positive affirmations to you throughout the day!?!?! You could do anything, be anyone and inspire EVERYONE who came across your path. Think of how incredible your life could become by just believing in yourself! 

I love that Kim from @talkwordytome_challenged us to change our self talk from the negative to the positive. It's so important to be kind to ourselves and love the bodies we've been given, honor the intelligence we've spent years attaining, and appreciate the gifts and talents we've been blessed with. Your life isn't perfect but guess what? No ones life is? It's not worth spending the energy to compare ourselves to others, feeling discouraged about our looks and envying those who seem to have it all.

Don't let negative self talk keep you from being happy. This morning I hopped on the scale and my heart gave out when I saw I had gained 3 pounds! I immediately started to punish myself and I couldn't get past the fact that I let myself eat over the top this Week. I let my body enjoy cookies, burgers, fries and every food in the house that I love. I had no self control and it caught up to me. I spent the morning flip flopping if I was going to purge or not. I left to go workout feeling emotionally drained and it wasn't even 9am yet. 

I carried so much emotional baggage over what I ate that it almost ruined my day. My self talk was hateful and unkind, I'm ashamed of how I treated myself... because I would never treat a friend or my daughter the same way I treated myself. But I know that everyday is a new day, and if I put my best foot forward I will do better. Loving ourselves takes patience and practice. We have to consciously decide to love ourselves and believe in our dreams. 

So don't get discouraged, believe in the beauty of your dreams and dare to love all your perfect imperfections! We all have a dream team inside of us cheering us on, we just need to take a quiet moment to reacquaint ourselves with our fans and say THANK YOU! 

Thank them for their love, support and kindness.... then go to the closest mirror and look yourself in the eye and repeat after me: I am enough, I am brave and beautiful, I can do hard things and I will fight for my dreams. Then walk away with confidence and go out and being the best version of it yourself! You've got this, be bold in what sets your heart on fire! 

Who would be your your Inside Out Dream team????

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