Let it Go

5 Mindful Tips towards a Happier Life by @talkwordytome_

Day 4: Let go of Perfection 

Take a deep breathe for me, inhale the good exhale the bad. Inhale love, exhale doubt. Inhale trust, exhale perfection. Let it go.... let go of this idea that these tiny white squares are what determines our worth. Social media is a 5 course meal that feeds our insecurities. Don't get caught up in the beautiful courses, the unique flavors of comparison, and the tempting aroma of perfection wafting from the table. Take a step back and note that this glimpse of minimalist perfection is but a "staged" misrepresentation of what our lives should be like. "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel."-Steve FurtickBe brave and pull down the curtain of your highlight reel. It's ok to be vulnerable to imperfection, embrace your life for what it is and don't apologize for messy life moments. Own that unmade bed, the sink full of dishes, and the spaghetti sauce on the walls. Life is meant to be messy...find beauty in your imperfection and own it!!

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