Happiness is a Choice

5 Mindful Tips towards a happier life by @talkwordytome_ 
Day 1: Think about what makes you happy, and pursue those interests. 

Kim suggested creating a Happy List. A simple list of your favorite things, activities and experiences that bring you Joy. I wrote down my list, and found that with enough time I could seriously make my list last forever. There is so much that makes me happy and it was humbling to see it all laid out before me. 

My Happy List includes:

* Exercise - Barre, Yoga, Aerial, Cycling

* Reading 📖 * Cuddling with my kids + hubby

* Chocolate....lots of chocolate *Mommas go go juice * Dancing + music * Shopping with friends * Trying new things * Soup + Rolls...CARBS baby

* Date nights * Late night Poetry @christopherpoindexter @tylerknott 

I counted 5 Joys I do daily that make me happy, and really they are pretty simple! Exercise and Teaching support my love for movement and creativity, daily Reading gives me a great escape to far away places, and cuddles hugs and kisses keep me grounded and reminds me of what's most important in my life. Anything is possible with caffeine (thank you daily doses of Diet Coke, DP and Chocolate), and with the right playlist Music can turn every frown upside down. 
My joys are simple; Family, Exercise, and Dancing. What makes you happy? I challenge you to create your own Happy List and check off an item or two everyday that will bring you Joy and Love! 

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